MobLab Survey through Microsoft's PowerPoint

Using MobLab's PowerPoint Add-in is a powerful new way of running MobLab surveys in your class. You can integrate surveys directly into your lectures, show live results to students, and save student answers for grading or participation. Students participate via their MobLab account (through the app or through a web browser).

MobLab for PowerPoint lectures has a few limitations:

  1. There are only two types of questions: Multiple Choice (Single Answer) and Multiple Choice (Multiple Answer).
  2. You can only create slides and questions from within PowerPoint. You cannot build a survey in the MobLab instructor console and have it populate in PowerPoint.
  3. To participate in a PowerPoint survey, students must join the playlist called PPT. This Playlist is created when you run your first PowerPoint question.  

Following the steps below, you can integrate MobLab Surveys into your PowerPoint Presentation.



Add MobLab as an Add-in to your PowerPoint

1. First, add MobLab as an add-in to your PowerPoint. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and create a new PowerPoint presentation. Click on the Insert Tab, and click on Store

You may be prompted to log into your Microsoft Account. If you don't know your Microsoft log-in, please contact your school's IT department. 



2. Search for MobLab in the store. Add and install the MobLab Surveys for Presentations Add-in.


3. The MobLab Surveys for Presentations will now show under My Add-ins.




Create your First Slide 

1. Select to insert a new slide and insert a ‘Title and Content’ slide.  Delete the title box and resize the content area to the desired size on your slide.


2. With the content box selected, click on the MobLab Add-in. You'll be prompted to log into your MobLab account. If you don't have one, please go to to create your instructor account.



3. Once you're logged in, choose the intended class for your PowerPoint and create either a Multiple Choice (Single Answer) or Multiple Choice (Multiple Answer) question. Press the Select button.


 4. You can now customize your question. Give it a name, enter the question text, and add the possible answers. Use the checkboxes to denote the correct answer(s). You can also attach a picture or a graphic related to the question.

IMPORTANT: After you are finished editing your question, click the Save button.


5. Your question is now ready to be presented to class. Should you need to go back to edit your question, click the Edit button. Check Display Results, to display live responses during polling. If you're all set, it's time to run your survey!



Run Your First Survey

1. If you haven't had students join your class already, have them do so by entering the class code at the top-right of the Slide. Students only need to do this once and they may be prompted for payment depending on the license used to set up your class. Please direct question about this to

When you're ready, click the Run button on your question. If this is your first question of the presentation, ask students to join the PPT Playlist (or Session). Any subsequent questions will appear on their devices automatically since they will already be apart of the session.

2. The survey will start running and you will be able to see the time elapsed. When you are satisfied with the number of responses you have received, click the Finish button. The survey results and student responses will be stored online on your MobLab instructor account in the playlist called PPT.  


 3. When the survey has completed, you have the option of revealing answers to your students. Check the box to display the results (if you haven't already) or to reveal the answers.

Press the Run Again button to repeat the question with your students. A new question will be save in the PPT playlist and student answers won't be overwritten.


 Any questions? Please send us a message at We're happy to help!




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