
About Playlists

A Playlist is a collection of games and surveys. We recommend organizing your class with playlists and naming your playlists by date or by topic. When creating a playlist, be sure to name it something that makes sense to your students. Students join the playlist and will look for the playlist name when joining a new MobLab session. Furthermore, you get to choose if this is going to be an in-class activity or an asynchronous Online Assignment.

Games and surveys on a playlist can be played in any order. You can also reorder games on a playlist by dragging them using the top bar of the game panel. 

You can leave unplayed games on your playlist and come back at another time to play them. 

Playlists are flexible and supposed to work for you to keep your games and experiments organized for the term.


Creating a New Playlist

To add a new playlist to your class, press the + button next to the Playlists label. 


A pop-up will appear and prompt you to name the playlist.


Furthermore, you get to choose if this is going to be an in-class activity or an asynchronous Online Assignment. Click create to continue. 


Remember that your students will be able to see the name of your playlist when you begin playing games. Use a playlist name that will make sense to them. 


Rename a Playlist

To rename a playlist, click on the menu button and select Rename. You can also right-click on the playlist you want to rename and select Rename.



Copy a Playlist

Copying a playlist will duplicate the games and surveys you have on one playlist to a new playlist. If the playlist has played games or surveys, it will not copy the played game data. You can copy playlists to different classes. You can also copy playlists within a class to set up an identical, but fresh playlist. To copy a playlist, choose Copy from the Playlist menu or right-click the playlist and select Copy



A pop-up will appear and prompt you to select where you would like to copy the playlist: 


Choose the appropriate class from the dropdown and press the green checkmark button. You'll have a new playlist!


Delete a Playlist

Deleting a playlist will not only delete the playlist but also all the games configured or played on that playlist. Deleting a playlist is permanent, so be sure it is something you really want to do! 

To delete a playlist, choose Delete from the Playlist menu or right-click the playlist and select Delete.


A pop-up will appear and prompt you to confirm that you want to delete your playlist. Press the Delete button to delete the playlist.


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