Starting A Game

So you're ready to begin playing games in class! Great! Starting a game session is easy.


Open the Game Session

When you are ready for your students to connect to MobLab, click the Open Activity button on the first game you want to play. 


A pop-up will appear telling you the Playlist is now live and students can join. Your session is now open and students will see your Playlist name in their available sessions on the student console. If students have logged in prior to you pressing the Open Activity button, they may need to refresh their browsers. 


Starting the First Game

When you're ready to start the game, press the red Begin! button. Students who have joined the active session will appear in the table above the 'Begin!' button. If you have changed your mind and don't want to start the game yet, press the Cancel button. Your game session will remain open to students, even if you press the Cancel button, but the game will not be started.


Starting Subsequent Games

When you are ready to play the next game, students do not need to rejoin the session. Their game screens will refresh automatically as long as they remain connected.

If you no longer want to see the Almost Ready pop-up, check the "Don't show again for this session" box.



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