Getting Students Logged In

How do I make sure that my students quickly login to MobLab?

After students have participated in one MobLab session, they will login for subsequent sections more quickly. Here are some tips for making sure the first session launches quickly. 

  • Make sure you have given students clear instructions on how to create their student accounts and join your class. Our best practices on what to do before your first class goes over these steps.   
  • Run a simple survey as an Online Assignment outside of class time before your first in-class session. By doing so, students will have registered for a MobLab account, joined your class, and dealt with any payment issues before your first in-class session.
  • Have students log in the minutes before the class starts by projecting "MOBLAB GAME TODAY. LOG INTO YOUR ACCOUNT.” as students settle in.
  • It may be helpful to list your class code for those students who have not already joined your class. Add a note that students may email in case they encounter difficulties during registration. A common issue is that students do not see or receive a verification email immediately upon registering.
  • Once you have clicked Open Game, you can click “View Active Users” to see how many students have joined the session.
  • Students who log in early may need to refresh their browsers.
  • Your students do not need to be logged in before starting a game. Students can join and play a game while it is running.

Once you start the game, your Instructor Console switches to your game’s Monitor tab, where you will be able to see groups forming automatically. Add Robots to fill incomplete groups about 30-40 seconds after the start of the game. This will give slower students some time to join an incomplete group.

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