MobLab Templates

Discover the ease and efficiency of MobLab Templates. Quickly load key treatments for popular games, saving time on setting up interactive sessions.


Add sessions to your playlist with ease using library templates. Remember, you can also adjust these later in the config view for a tailored experience.


Using MobLab's Templates

From the games library, select the Add button and navigate to Add with Template


Select the template that fits your lesson plan from the templates list. 



Once you add to the playlist, the activity will populate within the playlist with the new configuration.




Creating Personalized Templates

To create your templates, you can fill in the configurations of your activity, and select the save icon. 


Enter a name for your new template and a brief description. Click Save. 



The template will now populate on the templates list alongside the MobLab templates.


Instructors can reselect the template through the “Import Template” button on the config page. They can also manage their templates by clicking on the import template button. 


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