Instructor Console Overview

How do I set up my Class?

Set up your class in minutes.

1. Be sure you've created your instructor account.

2. Create your class. Select New Class from the Class drop-down. Name your class in the resulting pop-up and choose how MobLab will be paid for. If your institution has paid for Moblab, please enter you license here. Otherwise, choose to create a MobLab Premier or MobLab Poll class which will require students to pay for their license or redeem a student access code bundled with a textbook. Click Create.



3. Invite students to join your class. From the Class drop-down menu, choose Roster then Invite Students. You can either paste a list of email addresses or upload a .csv file. 


The email will direct them to Students will be automatically prompted to join your Moblab class after completing the registration.

If you want to see a sample of this email, try inviting yourself to your class!

Alternatively (or additionally), you may share the class code of your MobLab class with your students. This code may serve as a backup in case students did not receive the invitation email.

4. Review our Best Practices


How do I run a game?

We chose each game's default configuration to effectively deliver its primary teaching objectives. This means running a game is a snap. 

1. We recommend grouping the games and surveys into playlists. For example, some instructors create different playlists for each topic, while others group by lecture or date. You will also be asked to select if this activity is meant to be played in-class or as an Online Assignment.

2. To create a playlist, click the + button next to the Playlist label. Give it a meaningful name, and note that students will see this name.


3. Add games, surveys, or a complete module to the selected playlist. From the Library panel on the right, click on the game you would like to add. In the picture below, after clicking Bargaining, the instructor clicked Ultimatum. To add the game, either click and drag the game to the center panel, or just click Add.


Note: To help organize your games, it might be helpful to change the game name. Your students will not see this name.


4. When you are ready to run the game or survey, click Open Activity. This opens the Playlist and students will be able to join. 


5. To start the game, press Begin on the subsequent pop-up. There is no need to wait for all students to join the playlist before beginning the game as they can join once the game is running.



6. Your screen will switch to the Monitor panel (see below), where you can follow the game's progress, add robots to unfulfilled groups, and preview game or survey results. Remember to take in the sight and sounds of engaged students.



7. Upon game completion, you can click the Results icon to see game-play summaries.




Schedule a call with one of our team members to go over the basics. We're happy to help! Email us at

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