If you would like your students to play the same game repeatedly, you have three options.
Option 1: Use Multi-Period or Multi-Round Games
Multi-period or multi-round games are when there are several iterations of the same game played in sequence with fixed matching. You should use multiple periods to run games when you do not want to stop between periods to discuss the results. You can also use multiple periods to simulate an infinite horizon (the students don’t know when the game will end). When playing with multiple periods, the summary will show a repeated play graph to show changes in behavior over time.
The main difference between a multi-round game and a multi-period game is how actions and outcomes from previous rounds or periods will be available to students. In a multi-round game, a student will be able to see actions and outcomes from previous rounds via the history screen. If a game is period-based, however, actions and outcomes from previous periods are not available.
Set the number of periods or rounds for a particular game to a value greater than 1. Using this option, players will remain in the same group for the number of rounds you specify. To have a game where the same group interacts an indefinite number of times (to mimic an infinitely repeated game), see here. All games will allow either multiple periods or multiple rounds.
There are a two features of multi-round/multi-period games. First, group composition remains fixed across the entire game. Second, the game remains exactly the same across all periods (rounds). To change the composition of groups between interactions, or to change the parameters of the game between interactions, you need to either create multiple games (Option 2) or replay a completed game (Option 3).
Option 2: Copy Games
You can set up multiple games in your playlist. One way to do this is to copy a game. You can then change any parameters of subsequent games, including group size. In class, after finishing a game, just click Run on the next game you would like to play.
Note that students will be randomly allocated to groups and roles in the next game. If you would like more control (for example, you want proposers in the initial game to be responders in the subsequent game and vice versa), you should instead Replay a completed game.
Option 3: Replay Games
To replay a game, click Repeat. (This option is only visible for completed games, so you may need to click Finish on a game currently running.) You must first choose how groups and roles will be assigned (see our different matching mechnisms). Then, you can then choose to change any game parameters except group size.