All experiments are preconfigured with default parameters chosen by our in-house economists and scientific advisors. Yet you have the opportunity to adjust and customize configurations according to the needs of your lectures.
In this video, we explain the key parameter configuration options:
Group Size
Players are grouped based on the Group Size parameter. When a game begins, players are added one by one to a single group as they join. Once a group is full (the number of players in the group is equal to the group size), a new group will be opened.
The group size does not have to equal the number of participants. For example, if you have 55 participants, and you set the group size to 10, MobLab will automatically split your participants into 6 separate markets. And you will have the opportunity to complete the last group with intelligent robots so that you have six groups of 10 participants. This allows you to plan a session without knowing the exact number of participants in advance.
Games with No Group Size
There are some games where the parameter Group Size is not available. These are two-player games, where the group size is fixed. These games are Matrix, Rock Paper Scissors, Matching Pennies, Prisoner’s Dilemma, Bargaining, Ultimatum, Trust, Market for Lemons, and Election, for example.
Robot Players
Robot players can be added to any incomplete group. Students will not know that they are playing against robot players unless you tell them.
Students can also play exclusively against robots, which can be useful for online classes or when using games outside of class. To find out more about playing games outside of class, please read our article on creating playlists and activities for Online Classes.
Game Duration
Game duration is the length of time during which the experiment will be available for the participants. If you run an experiment in class, you can manually finish the game as soon as you see on your monitor screen that all groups are done. As most experiments do not take longer than 15 minutes, you may stay with the default for in-class activities.
Set the number of periods or rounds under the Repetition tab to specify how many times you would like to repeat the game. Multiple periods may help students to familiarize themselves with the game-play and often lead to interesting patterns in the data.